Monday, 10 February 2014

Liebster Loving

A big thank you to Charlene over at tartanmouth for nominating me for a Liebster award. I had to think quite hard to answer some of these questions...

1. What do you think is the hardest thing about blogging?

Ooh this is a tough first question! I think that being inspired enough to blog when you feel like you're not doing anything worth blogging about is very tricky. It should be easy for me 'dear baker', but what if I don't feel like baking? What if I don't have the time? It's hard, but I think I'm gradually getting better. I also find this "networking" thing very hard. 

2. Who was your embarrassing teenage crush?

John Barrowman. No shame. He was gorgeous. Did anyone else watch Torchwood?

3. If you could change something about your past, would you?

No. Maybe there's things that I regret,or would have done differently, but at the end of the day I wouldn't be me if I changed things. And I'm mainly okay with me. 

4. Which three celebrities (dead or alive) would you like to go on a night out with?

Christopher Isherwood, Emma Watson and Caitlin Moran. That would be WILD I tell you.

5. What's something that you wish you were better at?

Going to the gym. I'm thinking about buying some new trainers, partly as a little incentive and partly because mine are ancient.

6. What's your favourite meal to cook?

I like cooking risotto. The change from rice floating in water is so satisfying, when all the liquid is absorbed and you get left with a creamy, comforting bowl of goodness.

7. What are the qualities you look for in a friend?

Someone who doesn't obsess over calories. And someone I can tell something to and not hear about it from John Smith down the road two days later.

8. What would be your ideal job?

A curator at a natural history museum or an editor of a magazine. I play at both at the moment, and if someone would pay me full time to do them then I would be overjoyed. Maybe I could start a quarterly at whatever museum I worked at if the museum had research interests. Ideal.

9. If you had to wear the same outfit every day, what would you pick?

A dress with a collar with boots that have cute socks poking out the top and a jumper over the dress. Then I'd be sort of warm enough in winter, but could take the jumper off and be sort of okay in summer. And a dress can be smart or casual if you pick the right dress. 

10. What is your favourite Disney film?

Childhood me - Sleeping Beauty. Now - Tangled. Either. Both. They're just so lovely.

11. Would you rather go on a city break or a beach holiday?

It really depends. When I was younger we used to do city breaks in half terms, then beach in the summer holidays. This works perfectly for me because I find it difficult to focus on culture when it's too hot. However recently in the summer I have done sort of mixtures of city and beach - like our trip to Nice in September 2013, and that was wonderful. I think really what I'm saying is I just love going on holiday. Right at this moment I am so cold I'd like to be teleported to a beach immediately. But as that technology is sadly not yet available, I'll have to wait 8 weeks until I head east to the sunshine.

And who do I tag? I tag YOU. Cop out I know. But that way there is no limit to the love being spread. And I really mean anyone - if it's your first day as a blogger, just go for it. If you've been slowly going for a little while, go for it. Have fun. And let me know if you do it - I love finding out fun fact about people.

Your questions are as follows:

1. Why did you start your blog?
2. If today was your last day on earth, what would you do?
3. What is your favourite sweet treat?
4. Desert Island Discs - what would be your eight?
5. What's exciting you at the moment?
6. Do you have a singular favourite recipe book? What is it?
7. Out of everywhere you have ever been, where was your favourite?
8. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?
9. Favourite film?
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
11. What would you do with £10,000,000?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for answering my questions, and for such considered answers! I would love to meet Emma Watson too. I think Caitlin Moran would be amazing, but I think I would find her quite intimidating! High five on liking when people don't count calories - I always internally groan when women I know start discussing how many calories are in their food *eats another chocolate brownie* Sleeping Beauty and Tangled are both amazing films - I actually don't think I could have answered my own question with this one, there are too many wonderful Disney films to pick just one.



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