Sunday, 26 October 2014

Week Forty Two

Monday - The Botanical Gardens revealed Autumn in all of its glory

 Tuesday - Mid cooking lunchtime omelette

Wednesday - Bulgar wheat risotto with butternut squash, goats cheese and balsamic dressing. I am recently obsessed with bulgar wheat. It's not quinoa in terms of "trying to be healthy before the Christmas eating gets going" but it's better than rice.

 Thursday - What's not to love about a salmon pink bird? 

Friday - Smarties getting seasonal.

Saturday - Lunch with a view - more on this later in the week.

 Sunday - Happy Sunday breakfast. Love is getting up at half eight to make blueberry pancakes and bacon as a breakfast treat.


  1. I haven't had omelette in AGES! Yum. And what a view!

  2. Lovely pics Bulgar wheat with risotto and butternut squash looks yummy Lucy x

  3. that view is so pretty! ahhh, flamingos, i'd love a pair somewhere at home! (not real ones though)

    The Awkward Blog


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