Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Week Forty One

Monday - I hate Monday - can you tell?

Tuesday - Roasted veggies over sweet potato mash topped with crispy kale and goats cheese.

Wednesday - I went to a talk about a long term neuro-degeneration study that has published a book about the lives of the people who contribute to the study. A really amazing piece of public outreach.

Thursday - I just love penguins. 

Friday - Have you all seen my latest recipe - Chocolate Orange Brownies 

Saturday - Always happiest with my face in a cake 

Sunday - A glorious sunset on the way back to Edinburgh from Newcastle 


  1. I've missed your week in photographs posts - I always love having a nosey!

    I officially want roasted vegetables over sweet potato mash - ahhh, what a yummy, perfect autumn dinner.


    p.s. I also love the new blog design - the header and photo images are so cute. I hope you're doing well, lovely!

  2. The difference between your monday and saturday photo shows why weekends will always be better than week days. :)

  3. Lovely pics the veg and goats cheese salad looks lovely and the penguin is gorgeous Lucy x


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