Sunday, 25 May 2014

Week Twenty One

There's a theme to this weeks photographs... A library theme! These photos are so boring, I don't even really want to post them, but I'm determined to follow this challenge through to the end. I'm terribly sorry, I promise it'll get more exciting again once I'm finished with exams. I hope your week was much more exciting than mine!

Monday - A last hurrah before the fear took hold and we all moved into the library.

Tuesday - A shot down the shelves in the library.

Wednesday - The next floor up in the library.

Thursday - Huddling under the arches of the quad waiting for the rain to go off. So I could get back to the library. Is there a pattern forming here?

Friday - My desk in the library!

Saturday - Queuing to get into the library at 9am. 

 Sunday - I may still be stuck in the library, but hey, at least I have tasty snacks!


  1. Forget photos of pubs and clubs, these are the photos they should show people interested in going to university! I had such strong flashbacks of being a student when I looked at these. Your library is actually quite nice though - I love the view of the next floor up! Much nicer than the dull, dreary library I spent four years inside *shudders*.


  2. that library looks nice! although i'm sure it looses its appeal after hours upon hours of study. i really enjoy these little snapshots into your life x

  3. Love the Wednesday photo! All these photos bring back so many memories ;) Hang in there!



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