Sunday, 14 December 2014

Week Forty Nine

You know, when I typed the title of this post, I was thinking, there's no way it's only week forty nine, because there's only two and a bit weeks until New Year, and there's fifty four weeks in a year, so I've obviously messed up somewhere (probably within the lost month of September).

It's okay though, because I do actually know there's only fifty two weeks in a year. I promise. I'm just having a slow day. Oh dear.

On with the photographs!

Monday - My bedroom door got seasonal with a couple of Pinterest printables.

Tuesday - I am a pro wrapper - I'm so proud of this present, I think it looks adorable!

Wednesday - I squeezed 14 people into my tiny flat for Christmas dinner. It was COSY.

Thursday - Snowy scenes on the train back home.

Friday - My Dads's birthday cake was seasonal, and the recipe will be with you later this week. 

Saturday - Delicious Italian tapas style dinner to celebrate my Dad's birthday.

Sunday - Naked tree! Aren't lights difficult to get on Christmas trees? Hopefully by this time tomorrow it will be beautiful.

1 comment:

  1. Great wrapping love the lettering on the side. How on earth did you fit 14 in and cook for them all? I love your tree, you will have to share what it looked like with all the decorations. Lucy x


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