It's okay though, because I do actually know there's only fifty two weeks in a year. I promise. I'm just having a slow day. Oh dear.
On with the photographs!
Monday - My bedroom door got seasonal with a couple of Pinterest printables.
Tuesday - I am a pro wrapper - I'm so proud of this present, I think it looks adorable!
Wednesday - I squeezed 14 people into my tiny flat for Christmas dinner. It was COSY.
Thursday - Snowy scenes on the train back home.
Friday - My Dads's birthday cake was seasonal, and the recipe will be with you later this week.
Saturday - Delicious Italian tapas style dinner to celebrate my Dad's birthday.
Sunday - Naked tree! Aren't lights difficult to get on Christmas trees? Hopefully by this time tomorrow it will be beautiful.
Great wrapping love the lettering on the side. How on earth did you fit 14 in and cook for them all? I love your tree, you will have to share what it looked like with all the decorations. Lucy x