Sunday, 10 August 2014

Week Thirty Two

Back home, but not yet back to normality. Until I move back up to the not so Frozen North, there's no real routine, nowhere I really have to be, nothing I have to do. A great luxury I know, but a very strange feeling. It (or possibly jet lag) is making me lethargic, and doing anything at all seems to be an enormous effort.

Including writing this post.

Hopefully I'll be feeling a bit more inspired by the time my next post need writing, which is going to be the start of a recipe series called "Letter from America". But in the meantime, I didn't want to completely miss the boat with my usual photos, so take a nose, and let me know how you get inspired when you're just not quite feeling it.

Monday - An excellent little haul after a day shopping in Washington.

Tuesday - I may have resisted for three weeks, but in the airport I was left in a small enclosed space with Five Guys. You don't need to imagine what happened!

Wednesday - After 24+ hours travelling, my duvet was the most welcome sight in the world.

Thursday - ... I think my jet lag got to me. I went to the bank, I wandered around the shops down the town, but I have absolutely no photographic evidence of it. Eight months in on this project, it's only the second photo I've missed. Quite proud.

Friday - I spent my evening counting the small change in the penny jar, and I'm now £45 richer for my efforts! At this point, every little helps. 

Saturday - Slow roasted pork belly with peaches. Mouthwatering.

Sunday - Technically, this photo of Ben and my friend Anna was taken on Sunday. Just very, very early in the morning...

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing holiday adventure. Having nowhere to be and nothing to do must be lovely. Jet lag is a bit of a killer but it soon passes. Relax and enjoy the peace Lucy x


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