Sunday, 27 April 2014

Week 17

Monday - Ahh. The Forth Road Bridge. Usually very busy, but bank holiday Monday seemed to lighten its load.

Tuesday - Upon unpacking it became clear my family clearly doesn't think we eat, and stocked us up on naughties for the foreseeable future.

Wednesday - Panic panic panic to get the magazine to the printers on time. Have you seen the magazine I edit? Why not take a peek over at our website...

Thursday - Time to break into the chocolate stash!

Friday - Treats from my friend who went home to Sweden for the holidays.

 Saturday - Fudge making, recipe to follow!

Sunday - Garden centre wandering...

What did you all get up to this week? Hum drum normality or something a bit special?


  1. the website you edit looks so great! lots of interesting looking articles. can't wait for the fudge recipe :) x

  2. Oh my goodness, I think that's the biggest chocolate stash I've seen! I really want some chocolate now! ;)



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