This fudge comes with a story, a story I'm going to share with you today.
When I first started getting really into baking, when I was in sixth form, I came across a recipe for peanut butter fudge. I tried it, it was glorious, and I took it into school the next day for everyone to share. I took it into school on a Tuesday. And so fudge Tuesdays were born. Every couple of weeks or so, we'd have fudge Tuesday. I'd bring in some variation on the recipe, pop it on a table in our corner of the common room and everyone would help themselves.
A strange but wonderful memory, and something I was reminiscing over with a few of my friends on twitter a few weeks ago. And so of course, I had to revive the recipe. I plumped for the chocolate fudge, rather than the peanut butter, but all you have to do is switch the chocolate spread in the recipe for peanut butter if you fancy that version.
Chocolate Fudge
125g Butter
150g Dark Brown Sugar
350g Caster Sugar
120ml Milk
250g Chocolate Spread (I would encourage use of Nutella in general, but sadly Ben is allergic to nuts)
320g Icing Sugar
1. Melt the butter then pour in the milk. Add the sugar and bring to the boil. Boil for around three minutes, then take off the heat.
2. Stir in the chocolate spread and set aside.
3. Sieve! Sieve the icing sugar into a large bowl! It's so important you sieve, else you'll end up with lumps of icing sugar in your fudge and it will be sad. Pour the chocolatey sugary buttery goodness mixture into the icing sugar and mix thoroughly.
4. When the icing sugar is completely combined pour into a 11" by 7" tin and sprinkle something pretty on top. Then leave to cool - over night is best although it is complete torture! Cut into chunks and share with friends - on a Tuesday!