Monday - over a year later I finally got to redeem one of my presents from my 21st - tickets to see Miranda! It was a hoot, although I'm not sure my Dad enjoyed it quite as much as Mum and I...
Tuesday - Back up to the frozen north for a few days.
Wednesday - I got so excited about finding this combination of fruit in one pot in Tesco I even tweeted about it! Mango chunks and pomegranate seeds are unbeatable.
Thursday - Another of my sunny lunchtime wanders through the botanical gardens. Glorious.
Friday - Stew served in a hollowed out loaf of bread. Mind = blown.
Saturday - 400 miles later and I'm home with the orchids again.
Sunday - I couldn't resist picking up a little treat after Mother's Day brunch at a local deli. Now I'm just thinking up a recipe!
I've enjoyed spending a bit of time on a Sunday reflecting on my week since I started this project. This week though, it's really interesting. I found this week really quite difficult. I had a couple of tiring journeys to make, I attended a long, enormously important and therefore terrifying meeting, and I made a decision that's thrown all my plans for next year out of the window and left me with a (frighteningly) blank canvas.
And yet in these pictures it looks like any other week.
Sometimes it's easy to notice the difficulties in your life, and think everyone else's life is going swimmingly, because of the way they present their lives. But they only show you the good bits! These photos show the good bits, but they don't tell the full story. And I wanted to tell the full story. So all of this rambling is me saying it's okay for everything not to be okay sometimes, and it's okay to tell people everything isn't okay, to be honest with people. I think it's important to be honest. Some weeks aren't great. You just have to look forward to the next one.