Sunday, 15 December 2013

Saturday Night at the Movies: Saving Mr Banks

I'll start by saying this is a spoiler free post - I'm trying to encourage you to go and see the film, not ruin it for you in one foul swoop. And I'm trying to encourage you to see the film because I think it is truly wonderful.

Focusing on the story of how Walt Disney went about trying to persuade the author of Mary Poppins, P.L. Travers to give up the rights to her story, the film is incredibly moving, filled with inspired acting. I don't think there was a weak link in the casting. The film is sort of two films really, alternating between the Disney studios in the 1960s and Travers' childhood in 1907 Australia. Although it was good to understand the links between the past and the films present, to me a little to much time was spent in the past. This was my only complaint. Despite having read many reviews stating it isn't completely accurate in parts, I found this easy to overlook, I think the artistic license is suitably used. It's beautifully filmed and the soundtrack incorporates both the songs from Mary Poppins and and original soundtrack.

I thoroughly enjoyed the film, and urge you to give it a go! I will warn you though, it made me cry like a baby. But I didn't feel sad when I left the cinema, it was a happy sad sort of cry, and I left feeling like I'd seen something that had messages that would stay with me for a good while to come.

Let me know what you thought of it if you've seen it already, or if you're planning on seeing it.

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