Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Where are you sunshine?

Today the sun went away in my neck of the woods. It did so well though, often it doesn't spend more than a few days over Scotland in the summer. I thought I'd share a few of my favourite photos of the past few sunny weeks.

There's always time for a quick paddle...

And to make fun flower crowns. This was the longest daisy chain I've ever seen, and I say flower crown, but I really just dumped it on Liv and took a quick snap...

Monday, 15 July 2013

This weekend Joe took three of us to St Andrews for the day. Not even two hours drive and we had a brand new place to explore, with museums and a castle and a cathedral and a beach - what more could you want?

Someone was excited to get to the castle...

I decided to try out my climbing skills but needed a bit of help (the ledge was much higher than it looks in the photo I swear, I'm not that pathetic...)

Made it!

I had an unfortunate incident with a seagull earlier in the week when it stole my sandwich and a chunk of my finger. This one seemed pretty friendly though.

On the way home we stopped at Stonehaven for some ice cream. It's pretty incredible from a little shop called Aunty Betty's - as proven by the enormous queue!

Luckily we weren't put off, and remarkably quickly we were tucking into delicious treats whilst sat by the sea.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Ramble on baby

Sometimes you just need to get out. Out of the flat, out of the city, out. 

Luckily I've got a new man in my life that has made getting out a thousand times easier. He's called Joe. He's ten years old, silver, got four wheels and happily carries us wherever we want to go. Last weekend he took two of us off to the hills.

For pretty small hills we got some great views.

At the top of the second hill we stopped in the cairn for a snack. A snack which usually I'd find disappointing, just a bag of crisps and an apple. But there's something special about eating outside. It makes anything taste wonderful. Or maybe we were just so hungry after our exertions anything would have been delicious. Who knows?

I was so distracted enjoying the view on the way down I took a little tumble. I'd like to say nothing but my pride was injured, but I bruise like a peach.

The final part of the walk was the most magical. Silver birch lined corridors, that looked like something straight out of a fairy tale. 

It only took about 40 minutes in Joe to get to the village at the start of the walk. 40 minutes to peace and quiet. When I got home I basically passed out on the sofa. But I felt so much better for it.

This is new and exciting.
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